Department Profile
The study programme in Applied Informatics is an integral part of the field of study 9.2.9 Applied Informatics.It is aimed at principles, methods and tools for the creation of software applications, technologies of software application developments, graphical data processing, and data visualisation in natural sciences.
The study programme is designed to educate the graduates who able to start a wide range of careers and apply their professional competencies according to their own choice and the possibilities of the labour market.
The core knowledge areas of the bachelor programme in Applied Informatics include:
· Discrete mathematics and logic
· Theoretical fundamentals of informatics
· Programming
· Program- and computer-based systems
· Creating computer applications
· Economic, social, moral, and legal aspects of the profession
· Discrete mathematics (basics of mathematical logic, graphs, combinatorics, discrete probability, …)
· Programming (especially the basic programming structures and techniques, algorithms, and problem solving)
· Principles and structures of operating systems and networks
· Computer system architecture
· Graphical data processing and data visualisation
· Business and management fundamentals
· The use of methods, techniques, and resources of information technology system development in bachelor projects
Additional core knowledge areas of the study programme include:
· Methods, techniques, and resources of information technology system design
· Exploitation of informatics tools in the appropriate application area and the basics of this application area
· Economic, social, moral, and legal aspects of the profession
Department Structure
Head of Department:
doc. RNDr. PaedDr. Ladislav Huraj, PhD.
Deputy Head of Department:
Ing. Marek Šimon, PhD.
Secretary of Department:
Ing. Jana Jurinová, PhD.
Department Staff:
prof. RNDr. Jiří Pospíchal, DrSc.
doc. RNDr. PaedDr. Ladislav Huraj, PhD.
doc. Ing. Michal Čerňanský, PhD.
doc.RNDr. Iveta Dirgová Luptáková, PhD.
Ing. Marek Šimon, PhD.
Ing. Jana Jurinová, PhD.
PaedDr. Miroslav Ölvecký, PhD.
Ing. Darja Gabriška, PhD.
Ing. Miroslav Beňo, PhD.
Mgr. Marián Hosťovecký, PhD.
Ing. Katarína Pribilová, PhD.